Lovely Runner (2024) Episode 4

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139 Comments to “Lovely Runner (2024) Episode 4

  1. Can’t believe I missed an important detail in this episode. Every time he saves her, a memory of her not remembering him returns. The memories that she is now remembering about her and Sun Jae will never transpire again as this time they now know each other. She feels so guilty, now she’s gonna begin to think that she was a huge cause as to why Sun Jae became depressed.

  2. This drama feels like a warm hug! The last scene made me so emotional ngl!! This drama has the vibe of 2016 dramas and I love it and sense there is a dash of suspense in the story which can be more exciting to watch..and now that means that she has overcome the accident right?? Anyways I don’t mind if they secretly give me all the episodes..I won’t tell a soul!

  3. This drama is making me want to scream every second it’s soooo cute ahhhhhh
    Also I cannot wait every week😭😭😭

  4. im really interested to see if anyone can link the keychain to the specific person before we acc find out who it is and they gave us like half of their face so surely some one will be able to recognise who it is right? like ik i cant cause im just dumb but some ppl are observant enough to figure it out or nah?

  5. COULD HE GET ANY CUTER???? He doesn’t even touch her without her permission HE’S SUCH A GREEN FLAG 😭❤️❤️

  6. This drama better have a happy ending!!!! I am waiting for every Monday and Tuesday to watch this drama. Coming home from school feeling excitement for this very moment. 🥰

  7. Spoiler alert:
    So he was there when she got into the accident. And he has been in love with her fir all these years??!!! Ooooh
    Now I am amazed. I really wish for a happy ending. I mean he died at the end so maybe a different ending please

  8. is it just me who feels like the kpop ceo/manager might be behind sunjae’s death?? idk why but his statement in front of the reporters felt so fake.. as if he’s pretending to be sad. Also i rlly rlly hope this doesn’t end up like twinkling watermelon w her not being able to change her accident at the cost of saving sunjae because why am i getting the vibes that that’s exactly what’s gna happen

  9. 2nd ml syndrome is activating despite him not doing anything , anyway this is so far my fav kdrama on a while i’m even tolerating some of the things i usually dont tolerate like the pooping “jokes”

  10. Pretty sure going by the eyes and slice of face we saw of the taxi driver that it is her boyfriend Tae sung. I’ve had a feeling he was from the future too because he’s so accepting of her different personalities, it’s like he knows she’s a different Im Sol. I dont think he was there to hurt her but maybe also try and save her from whatever event happened that day.We’ll probably see that knotted key chain on him next episode.. I’m also on the team that thinks CEO Kim pushed him off that balcony.

  11. Why why just why does she have to go back and forth between past and present, my heart hurts for Sun Jae every time. They’re so so cute together and every time they are with each other I can’t help but get butterflies in my stomach. Finally Sol has remembered that it was Sun Jae who saved her all along. She must have blocked out the whole incident from her memory because it was too painful. But man, Sun Jae calling her on the radio, saying his name in hopes she remembers, then appearing in front of her but still seeing no recognition on her face, it would have hurt so much. Kinda mad at myself for not waiting for the drama to finish to watch it because now I have to wait every week.

  12. It could also be that the taxi driver must be the ML’s psycho killer who was targeting the FL. He might be getting revenge because ML saved the FL before.

  13. The vibes are good, but I’m still unsure about this one. I’ll give it more time though since we’re only 4 episodes in.

  14. To whomever is responsible I want a happy ending 🙂🙂🙂I don’t care about the details just those two lovely people should ended up together thx 🙏

  15. my heart physically aches watching the present scenes, he looks so alone. and then it cuts to the past and IT HURTS EVEN MORE pls i need a happy ending

  16. I love Wooseok but man Geonhee really has me falling for him too. SLS is starting real fast.

  17. Loved every second of it. This man’s visuals I’m blown away every scene😭. The way he is head over heels for her is crazy like bro pack it and confess. The funniest thing was her explaining that she was possessed that’s why she is obsessed with tae sung like how do you explain that shit loool

  18. i love them so muchhhhhhhhh this show is so good right now hope they don’t ruin the plot

  19. the first 5 minutes absolutely broke me into pieces.. to think that the future sun jae loved her in silence without her knowing for all those years💔💔 he deserves every good thing in the world omg

  20. Weird thought here, but he started running… Maybe she will change their fates, he’ll fulfill his mother’s dying wish to see him on National Team and we have a happy ending. The drama’s name is “my lovely runner” so… a girl can dream right?

  21. Is it me or the storyline is really good for this kind of genre? usually with time travel and lost memory its a bit boring. both ML/FL are doing amazing capturing us with this amazing story. I am looking forward to next week.

  22. This feels like Kdrama version of ‘Someday or Oneday’ and ‘Shinning for one thing’ 🤩

  23. Lmao the birthday scene 🤣🤣🤣😂 and Sol’s friend bathroom scene had me dying of laughter. 🤣
    Well, our second couple is going well hahaha.the use of her “superpowers” 😂😂❤️ the ability to pause time hahahahaha. Too funny! Luckily for it. It’ll be useful if she remembers she can use it lol. And this ending 😭😭❤️ she finally remembers a bit! It WAS him. And the guy in the taxi, Creeper alert!!! That’s the sus guy, our #1 suspect for now and the CEO guy 2nd. TS 3rd for me. The nemesis 4th.

  24. This episode made me sad and laugh. Lol imsol younger self is something else. Her suprise birthday event really made me laugh so loud i scared everyone in the house 🤪

  25. They mention in the first episode somebody save her in the fire. In the original time line I think it was ML who save her.

    In this altered time line, ML should be more courageous and confess. It will solve a lot of these problems.

  26. It was so nice how sunjae ran to look for her even tho he didn’t know where she could be, but he still found her sleeping on the bus 🥹 anywys the fact that that drunk man came n sat next to sol, i think saved her, cs that taxi driver was gonna do something to her. Also sunjae running to her even tho she fell down well he jumped inside the river to save her, doesn’t matter how deep, I mean he’s a swimmer after after 😮‍💨 BUT now she knows that sunjae was the one that saved her from the accident, i mean yerr she said some bad things to him when she got saved but now she knows who that person was, and the fact that sunjae knew he was calling sol from the very beginning on the radio makes it more beautiful to continue watching this KDRAMA 🤭 BUT i felt so bad when sunjae asked her if she knew who he was and she said no, i mean come on he even memorised her number AWWWWW 🙁 BUT its the fact that he just said her name and how he sounded made me very sad and even these tears know, ‘Sol’😞 BUT that hug in the end mean something, it does AHHH this chemistry is so beautiful, i mean look at them they are so cute 🥹 n also theres something i’m very confused about, Tae sung, i mean yer they dated n stuff, but did he visit her while she was in the hospital? 😞 anywys thats enough from me, all i need in my life rn is ‘sunsol’ get it? Sunjae, Sol?? OKAY YERR FIGHTING ‘SUNSOL’ 🤞🥹🥹

  27. AHHHHH I get it now. She went back in time to save herself! She has to save herself order to save sungjae in the future.

    So I think while the past has changed, it hasn’t changed as much as we were initially made to believe. She definitely knew sungjae in the past. It seems like the accident made her forget sungjae and the recent events before the accident. Thats why the future hasn’t changed much.

    If she saves herself, she won’t forget sungjae. And that will drastically change sungjae’s future.

    EDIT: I think it will change Tae sung’s future as well. I feel like all 3 will be involved in this “accident”. I wonder if its connected to Tae sung’s future expulsion.

  28. Ha-ha Sol singin’ “I like Tae Sung” is kinda addictive.🤣😭 The dancing too😂 she would turn down Hyun Bin, Zo In Sung for Tae Sung LoL.

    Sun Jae.. so heartbreaking.. he liked Sol first. Always did sigh. Hopefully they both get their happy ending this time round. Please.

  29. this drama gives me life! after so long there is a drama we can love and obsess over! so so good! and seeing the present and Sun Jae is 😭 so so sad but hoping for good times to come and things to change for the better for our beautiful couple !

  30. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i can’t do this 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    man i need all the episodes rn.

  31. Usually when the FL/ML is clueless about crush liking them back their friend helps them see it SO WHY IS NOT SOL’S FRIEND DOING ANYTHING??!!

  32. Props to Mr. Mosquito for being a good (albeit surprising) plot device.🙌👏

    Edit: I thought it was a fly. lol.

  33. my god my heart breaks for both of them, sunjae feeling guilty all of those years and never getting over his one-sided love, and sol now realizing she could’ve been there by his side and that he literally save her both physically and emocionally 🙁

  34. Am I starting to like the guitarist of the band with his deep voice fit to be the vocal even tho at the start i was cursing at him for giving up on Sunjae and not having a proper discussion with him the whole time and acting selfishly? (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)hahah- Also why did the 2nd male lead grew on me and i kind of like him? I think its because the actor is good (and handsome) when Im Sol thinks he’s joking around he doesn’t falter and looks at her persistently with love in his eyes meaning that he meant it. But the scene cuts off immediately. Ah~ if he had more screen time more people would notice his actions (⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠˙̫̮⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠). Since he likes noonas the 2nd male lead seems more mature at times than Sunjae who tries to act tough and it comes out cringe. Well in that area ig the 2nd male lead is more experienced

  35. ALSO no one is talking about it but.. he jumped into the water to save her. he jumped into the WATER to save her. let’s not forget he is still recovering from his shoulder surgery and that he was not supposed to swim for at least 2-3 years to allow his shoulder to heal fully. but he jumps in anyway. because sol means that much to him. because she is worth more to him than his parents’ and his lifelong dream of becoming a professional swimmer. there was no hesitation too.. and when they came out the water, all he thought about was “are you okay?”
    okay, i’m going to go back to crying.

  36. how he realised her it was her just from her voice, they way he said her name, standing outside the hospital, talking to her in wheelchair while pretending he doesn’t know her, daaaamn the pain his eyes :((( honestly the acting is amazing!

  37. M sick of their toilet jokes. It’s not even funny. It’s disgusting. Can they get better n stop nasty jokes 🤦🏻‍♀️

  38. My heart really breaks for Sunjae. I can’t imagine the pain of saving someone you love and them screaming at you and hating you for saving them. Not only that but them forgetting who you are and every memory you shared. He could not even stand to enter her hospital room because she lost her legs and feels he is to blame. But it’s not his fault, in those moments, you just need someone to blame. He did not even find out she forgot him until he called her and confirmed it at the radio show. When she spoke about wanting to die, the guilt and anguish he must have felt. All he could think to do was thank her for staying alive, and to continue to stay alive through rainy days until the day comes that living isn’t so bad.
    And then he carried this guilt for 15 years, not allowing himself to move on or heal.

    Equally, my heart breaks for Sol. She is only now realising that she had lost memories before her accident. Not only did she lose memories but she lost the one person she loves most. The person she has been supporting for years, the one who gave her hope to continue living, she forgot him. What’s even worse is that she realises that she even blamed him and treated him poorly for her paralysis. She is beginning to feel all the guilt on a personal level than just a fan who last saw him. She finds out that even in the original timeline she had the power to save him but just did not realise it. Also, she finally realises the meaning behind In Hyuk’s words to her “he was very sorry to you”. How frustrating and devastating that must be, that she let him slip past her all those years and knowing he felt responsible for her suffering.

    All this time, in the original timeline, we thought Sunjae was a complete stranger to Sol – someone she barely spoke to before. But maybe there was something more.. Because he saved her, even before her big accident, he saved her. You don’t just forget someone like that or ignore his existence. So she really lost her memories and lost Sunjae from her life in the process.

    OUCH. This hurts so much.

  39. Both of their behaviour gives stalker vibes. I was surprised to see noone finding it a tad creepy. I know Sunjae wanted to make sure she gets home safe,,, but now you know her apartment (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•;⁠) She went to his room without permission. If feel like they’re blinded with love they ignore each others red flags (mostly Im Sol’s because of the situation she’s forced in). Sunjae is mad in looove to let her off everything wrong she’s done. Also, in the start we were minds making fun that this kdrama is for us delulus but the characters are delulu themselves. What do you mean you still have a one sided crush on your first love and feel a deep connection with her after 15 years (enough to call her name in sorrow and longing for her “Sol-ah (⁠´⁠ε `◍)” when she doesn’t even know who you are. I feel like the roles reversed; he acts like a stalker fan of her who thinks theyre in love. Am i the only one thinking this. That’s what i felt based on this episode…

  40. LOLOLOLOLOLOL OMGEEEE! I’m gonna LOVE this! I haven’t been so excited
    about a drama in ages! I love EVERYTHING about it! When was the last
    time I could say that? lol, I’m squirming with happy! Ha! These are so
    few and far in between now. Ill have to go slow and not binge. Please
    writers, don’t screw this up later

  41. What if the CEO is the one behind her accident? I mean what if she keeps trying to prevent Sun Jae from becoming an Idol, but the guy wants to scout him so badly that he tried to get “rid” of whoever gets in the way? The repercussions of the accident though left her in a wheelchair. Or could it be someone else, a fan when he was a swimmer, aiming for Sun Jae and Sol caught their attention? 🤔 The fact that Sun Jae was running to save her even then, either he witnessed it or he found out about it and tried to prevent it but was too late so the guilt is not only because of those harsh words she said while in pain and denial at the hospital but because of something else. He seemed drained too in the future. He had to give up his dream because of an injury, becoming a singer or idol wasn’t exactly in his plans, I wonder if he was convinced to do it. 🤔 Or if he remembered she used to have a crush on Tae Sung that was in the band, and thought that this was the only way he could comfort her, through music.

  42. as soon as she was like “this place looks familiar”, the pieces began piecing and i screamed “BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN THERE! You just forgot from your accident.. and you forgot SUNJAE!” then Sunjae appeared in the taxi and the tears started streaming and did not stop.

  43. I cried sooo much during the scene he saved her
    sunjae must’ve been so devastated to see sol lost her legs (the future sol)
    but the QUESTION IS did he prevented that?

  44. It is always a question with these time travel fiction.
    Is she making any change? or is everything she is doing no exactly what happened and she is just closing the loop, and nothing changes.


  46. With that embarrassing video I feel 19 yr old sol should just date tae sung in peace … girl was in love … and I like how at the seaweed soup place even older all gave up and just tried to give the 19 year olds dating advice…

  47. I love everything about this drama, my God the ML’s pov is so sad. He loved her all alone, saved her and she resents him, doesn’t remember him, on top of that he had to give up his swimming career. I really wish Sol can change the future for both of them.
    among all the tears the 19 year old Sol gave me stomach curling laughter reminds me of my embarrassing younger self. 😭
    Thankfully i won’t be having any 2nd male lead syndrome with this one. I like the boy, but not for Sol. Sunjae and Sol all the way.

  48. I’m already crying for him / them and it’s just 4th episode 🥺 it’s just so sad to think about what all he has gone through…. writer nim please give him a happy ending for once

  49. He was holding the watch so tightly in his hand when she kept screaming… I bet it broke down when he saved her and then hearing those words and feeling guilty, Sun Jae wished he could turn back time and change order of events just as she did in the present time.

    Could there really be 3 chances to change their fate?

    I think in order to prevent the 2 major events that affect both, then certain details linked to them and the order of actions and choices need to be prevented 🤔 I also don’t trust that CEO… He was fuming mad because Sun Jae refused to do some movie, the very same day of his last concert. That man’s words and actions seem fake. Something doesn’t add up 🤨 If events can be changed I hope anything related to him does… The burn on her mother’s hand and their photo are proof enough that it’s possible. Also the memories. Everything her older self is saying in the past is what moves back to the present, like an endless ripple.

    I am really liking the flow, and how we get her side of the story but his as well 🥲 incredible how Sun Jae fell at first sight with her 19yo self but it’s her 30+yo that confuses him and makes him fall deeper with everything she does and says. The same goes with Tae Sung 🤣 he sees two sides of her, one that loves him but is overly clingy and childish and the other who acts older, a side that he wants to know better and finds himself more drawn too.

    Ahh this is turning into my favorite comfort drama already at just 4 episodes. Only 5 days until the next episode… the struggle is real… 🥲

  50. When he pulls her out of the water this time, she is fine (except for a few scratches and PTSD ofc).
    Does this change for her in the future too? Like, the circumstances and the scene seem similar to what happened to her. And, she also prevented her house fire.
    She definitely is and can make changes in the timeline.
    So, is there a chance she might be able to walk when she travels back to her present tl??

  51. I am just amazed Byeon Woo Seok is born in 1991. Whatever he does for skincare, he should sell his routine.

  52. Ahhhh we’re having a Monday-Tuesday time-travel drama. It was Twinkling Watermelon before. I wish this one is just as good. I’m not a big fan of time-travel dramas but Twinkling Watermelon was such a HUUUGEE game changer for me. That drama is GOOOD good.

  53. This didn’t have to end with the scene in the studio… it broke my heart and it can only be mended by next week

  54. Okay so I have one prediction
    you don’t go throw yourself out of balcony after you meet the love of your life and see that she is finally doing well

  55. For the life of me I do not understand or get “bathroom” humor. They have to give her constipation just to have him be a hero and wrap his shirt around her? It would have been so much more realistic if she had had cramps and then stained her white pants and he covered her. And that wpuld have been so much more swoon worthy for him doing so and not making a big deal of it.

    But no matter the reason, why did they have to go through all that set up and silly storyline?

  56. Ok so one question has been answered i.e RSJ didn’t jump he was pushed off by someone more importantly he was probably dead before he was pushed off otherwise he wouldn’t drown as he was a swimming sensation. Now another question remains i.e the accident of FL. Hope will get an answer in next week.

  57. I’m absolutely in love with this drama. The concept is not new but the dynamics and the way this time travel works is interesting. I think when something very dynamic change like when she was asked out but she wasn’t interested something like a shock or something different happens she travels back this is just my theory. Keeping that aside I’m absolutely in love with Sun jae🥹. He fell for her so harder cudnt let her go for a decade like bro OMG 😭… absolutely love their together moments. And I’m suspecting there was some bad play when Sun jae fell coz of the doorbell and again I think Im Sol was targeted when she has her accident coz that taxi driver was really sus and she did end up having an accident by car is my assumption. Anyway I’m very much invested in this drama, hope it makes it more and more interesting ep by ep.

  58. THIS IS THE 1ST TIME I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT PREDICT WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN !😭😭 I Am sooo in love with this couple😍Seon jae is such a rare gem!
    I have no doubt the CEO is involved in his death, and I think that the future Will not change until the Seon Jae and Im Sol confesser their mutual love. For now there are minor changes but because of the misunderstandings, the big ones are prevented yet. The Best is yet to come! But what I am afraid of is that they get together but break up and the incident might Stiller happen 😭

  59. It hasn’t even ended yet, and I already can’t wait to binge watch it all over again! So glad it’s 16 ep and not 12.

  60. she is totally chaotic!! one time she is a 19 yr immature kid going and confessing and dating and in a second she is matured fan and a granny as he calls her! guess nothing will change since he knew her and liked her before she did…so there is nothing to change her loss or his loss…just that she regained her memory! he did save her from a road accident which ended her cripped and she lost memory and that guilt he carried for life and she forgot him! so this is all about her regrets in life which are covered!

  61. He already knew she had suicidal thoughts way before that phone call in the studio. The car incident scene didn’t happen but Im Sol still needed to be rescue knowing that this time she acknowledged Sun Jae. I wonder if he’s gonna come to realize there are two versions of her and therefore forgive her sudden change of behavior if she were to return to the present. Does someone evil needs to be caught in order for the future to change for both of them?

  62. Am I watching too many suspense dramas or it’s the manager who is kinda sus? I don’t even believe that sunjae commuted suicide

  63. Crazy how I knew sun jae intentionally called sol at the 1st episode. It said in his expressions and the words of comforts he told sol front the other side of phone!!

  64. There has to be a happy ending after all her effort to prevent his death. Please let us be happy for this guy for once! If he dies now, he will not get scripts for good lead dramas cuz he is type casted at this point!

  65. That song she sang for Tae Seong was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣. Also how exactly did she lose her legs? Was it when she fell in the water or when she got into that truck-kun accident?

  66. hi everyone,i am looking dram which name i forgot,but there is some scenes that i remember for example there is one scene where main lead is lost in woods with army while his wife is pregnant,and when he comes back he sees his child at he same day,another scene is when i think king is drunk and is trying to take advantage of male leads wife king and wife knew each other,when male lead hears about this he will confront king aven raising sword but his wife calms him down.male leads family i think has military background and wife has good relationship to them,i am looking name please help me

  67. I’m blushing so hard and hoping that my dad doesn’t see my face 😭😭 the way he measured his hands to sol’s was so cute aaaaa

  68. FML: Running b/w timelines to save her legs & his life
    SML: Got a love song on his B’day (when his parents don’t even remember his existence)

    Meanwhile our Ajhussi: ‘ML’ coded. Believes in fortune-tellers, male-female can’t be friends & wanna confess but did when she was drunk blah blah blah & more to come 😭

    I’ll punch through the screen & beat some dating advices into his brain, I swear. My guy, u love her so much that u couldn’t forget her for 15 years, so…..whyAAAAE~ act like a TSUNDERE.
    Ik u got a sad life but get out of the way, SML. Your actions make FL look like a player🤺

  69. Always have a second lead syndrome, but Sunjae totally won me over. Crying, kicking, laughing, bawling this drama destroyed me today with just 4 episodes. Cured me of a long drama slump, too.

  70. okay, but is no one gonna comment about the scene (37:03) where Sun Jae was comparing their hands/palms??? there was a literal light/spark with a background music of something magical. Is this a sign where he’ll know that Im Sol is from the future or something more??? AAAA I’M REALLY CURIOUS ABOUT THAT PART!!

  71. Every unpleasant moment of hers is so cute!!! 🤭 Kudos to the actress, only she can pull it off like that.

  72. Let’s talk Im Sol’s accident, because that’s the point where everything in everyone’s lives went wrong:
    the original timeline before the time travel, From the flashback, Im Sol was clearly injured before the car accident, so something must’ve happened! She was escaping from someone. It’s safe to assume that the taxi driver is a serial killer, a perv, a stalker..etc currently, he’s our only suspect which bring us to the reason why her brother went from dreaming of becoming an actor to becoming a detective/prosecutor, the culprit is still unknown! Im Sol still have ONE chance if she went back to the present time, she can use this opportunity to snoop around her case files with the help of her brother to find out the identity of the suspect!!

  73. I’m highly suspicious of this last scene… she’s relieving/recalling the moment she had her accident before it even happens…. is this a warning for the female lead not to mess with the past and who was at the door in the beginning of the episode

  74. May be m prejudiced, but CEOs crying for their artists and specially after their death, never convinces me….😑😑😑. though I do hope m wrong and he’s a gud person, but I just can’t trust him…..

  75. sol has those 3 chances, it was three now she has 2 and one to save her mom from fire accident, save herself from the accident and other one for saving sunjae
    i’m traumatized and i can’t stop bawling

    the scene had me, it’s like the taxi driver is young and they’re suspicious to me, i can be wrong

  76. The whole point of time travel is that to remind her what she has forgotten and missed when she was a teenager, because it is connected to his s***icide.. she has forgotten everything about him and because he refused to confess how he felt about her back then, all the guilt he built in his head about what happened to her because of the accident he blames himself for not being able to protect her and feeling sorry towards her and he carried it i which caused him anxiety and depression. So I think they sent her to make her refresh her memory and see what exactly happened on the day of the accident so she could forgive him instead of blaming him for saving her life like before which caused him to be guilty until the day he ki*led himself

  77. I feel so bad for him…😔😔😔 my boy just wanted a happy life for her and himself….

    I just hope his death wasn’t a murder, cz someone definitely came that night…..

    and I think both, her accident and his death is caused by someone on purpose….

    cz the taxi in this scene was extremely sus….and i thought that may be she was supposed to get into an accident with this taxi and fell into the water and Sun jae saved her….

    dun know if it was the day of her accident and that drunk somehow stopped it, or if its gonna happen again someday and she’ll come to this place again…..

  78. Every time i think the drama cant be any better, I’m pleasantly wrong😭
    Sun jae’s pov is so heartfelt and lonely as he’s someone who waited all those years for sol but she forgot him due to reasons 😭
    sol-a you gotta save him this time🥺

    And as usual, his manager look absolutely suspicious 🤨. Bet he’s one of the reason for his death😢

    And our sml is such a fun character, love the guy. Who knows, he might end up being the cupid who’ll give our tsundere ml the courage to confess coz every fibre in sun jae’s body screams his love for sol, he just gotta say it😭🥺

  79. sung jae definitely didn’t off himself like the drama “blue birthday”, the culprit when i catch you 🤬🤬🤬 but seriously this is just the 4th episode and we’re getting so many heart fluttering moments, their chemistry is way too goooood can next week come already? i love how time stops when she starts spoiling the future lol it’s new and witty, kiddos to the writers.

  80. Gosh I was getting embarrassed for her 🤣🤣🤣. I was like, girl, now is the time to use that “superpower” of yours and stop this and run away….

  81. Was it my memory that I lost or was it you?
    This quote has a major impact yet again!
    We are only 4 episodes in and each one is getting better than the last….

  82. she remembers all the moments that happened in those ten days so y isn’t that drunk memory of hers coming back??? I can totally understand Sun jae’s frustration 😁😁

  83. They introduced the CEO in this time alongside with the hint that he isn’t suicidal that night. So, as of now, that CEO is our suspect.

    I trust In Hyuk from the start, he’s a good friend.

    Seeing Sun Jae’s side really breaks my heart. He just secretly loved Sol in that 15 years. He didn’t even get close to her again because he thought Sol doesn’t want to be saved. That call in the epilogue is truly heartbreaking 💔

    One thing I just really want to change in the past is that they would be together already. It’s so sad seeing Sun Jae having one sided love and to think that he’s secretly doing it for 15 years

  84. Last episode I really started doubting Sun Jae’s death and today’s episode confirms that! I don’t think he took his own life. He loved Im Sol so so much, he kept his feelings for himself and when he finally meet her after so many years, he takes his life hours later ?? Especially knowing how sad she’ll be since she’s a fan!!?? It really doesn’t make sense !!! Knowing how he cares about her, he would never do anything to make her sad!!!

    That being said, Sun Jae fell in the swimming poll so unless he was already unconscious, he can easily swim back to the top. Someone must’ve drugged him I guess …

  85. this drama is effortlessly funny 🤣🤣🤣

    I was thinking how many times does Hyun bin and Son ye jin’s wedding would be mentioned in dramas 😂😂

  86. OMGGG THANK GOD SHE FINALLY REMEMBERS!! She knows now it was Sunjae who saved her. I don’t think she knew him at the time (og timeline) but she recognized him when he was running because she got deja vu etc. but oh mannn and when he said “Im Sol” so he purposely called her (it wasn’t a random dial) but that must’ve been the new timeline created when she changed the past…? but then how did they happen to call her in the og timeline idk I’m confused… Now can she finally listen to that recording or can he tell her how he feels again when she’s not drunk 😅😥😭😭😭 pleaseeee

  87. love this drama and glad it wasn’t a huge cliffhanger like last ep so I’m not desperate for the next episode lol. Hope sunjae can find out about how sol saved him in the future, even if he doesn’t tell her he knows. it annoys me when two characters live happily ever after without one of them knowing everything the other one did 😭 it’s not practical for him to know but it would also be cool if he knew sol remembered him, but since she’s gonna change the future I’m assuming they will just be together or meet again in the future and remember each other really well. maybe an ending like twinkling watermelon would be enough to satisfy me though, like Sunjae knows and doesn’t necessarily have to tell her like his dad did in Twinkling watermelon. He just gave the small smile while looking at him. I’m not prepared for any kind of sad ending tho, I feel like he’s gonna be alive bc that’s the whole premise of the show and they can’t show the small changes to the future and end like that again, but by sad I mean they don’t end up together. like pls let them just be happy after everything… she forgot, he left, she remembered too late, he left the world. Lowkey considering waiting for the next 12 epsiodes and then watching them all later bc this is a good stopping point for me, but I miss having fun Mondays and Tuesdays since twinkling watermelon and marry my husband so idk. Cannot wait for dramas to start becoming good again so I don’t feel so deprived HAHAHA it’s been a rough 2024.

  88. shout out to the delulu fans out there HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    now we wait 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    he is coming in between my ship 😭😭

  90. I read the novel and I know they change few things to spice the drama, but still I cant bear to watch it. It just like Shining for One Thing all over again, how the FL time slip to change the future so the ML didnt die. Btw, I really like how the production team change the name of the band; from gamjajeon aka potato fritter to eclipse….

  91. Geez, ofcourse he is the one who saved her, lol kdrama never gets done with this cliches so called “fate” moments.
    But anyway, isn’t Sol literally two timing both of the guys??????? Not that it was her intention or anything, but she is two timing both of them, lol

  92. Geez can they please stop with the bathroom jokes it’s not funny 😭😭😭😭 I can’t even enjoy watching the episode without getting anxious about it popping up.

  93. lol on Sol facing Tae Sung that was so cringy HAHAHAHA! and Sun Jae just crushing on Sol ugh~! he’s so precious!

  94. I don’t know should I be sad or be happy I hope they really change the story from the original I want him to have a happy ending 😭😭😭please

  95. Something about Male lead’s pov makes me sob and wail. It is like gut wrenching just by thinking how he loved her for the whole 15 years and live on with the guilt. I regret watching new ep not because it is bad but because i have to wait for another week now. Also he is again such a loser like he blushed just by the accidental touch of their pinky finger. And he kept that polaroid for years. Bye , all the kdramas do were just raising my standards higher and higher. And finally she knows everything about who saved her. I love every of her characters in dramas , she portrayed them really well TT

  96. Okay we are here for another Rollercoaster episode gotta watch it quickly and then wait for another week🫠🫠🫠🫠

  97. He did not seem suicidal to me during this moments…. He even turned when the doorbell rang
    And i suspect his manager coz that guy was not ready to let him retire 😩

  98. ryu shio and ryo sunjae shirtless version😍🫠

    my boy inhyuk is always at the crime and it always involves sunjae, sol and now taesung too🤣🤣

    sunjae loser (fallen in love hard) behavior is the pokiest thing sunjae aka byeon wooseok can do
    the way he switched on the fan and gently brushed some hair away from her face so she could sleep comfortably, all the while gazing at her, measuring palm sizes with her that’s so cute, this is all the things show he fell first and harder in every damn time.

    the switch from past to present and vice versa is heartbreaking
    sol: “i just want to say thank you for existing in this world
    sunjae: “me too, haven’t changed at all, so you don’t remember me?”
    “i miss you everyday, why can’t i turn back time”
    why is this so angst??? 😭😭😭
    sol got into an accident & lost her memories of sunjae who saved her but still somehow managed to find him as an idol & ended up being his fan and her giving those candy to him like she gave him in the past, that red string of fate is really pulling their worlds together

    “why did you save me? you should have left me to die. why did you have to save me and turn me into this?!” – sol to sunjae in the first timeline
    that’s when she asked the “was it my memory that i lost or was it you?” :((( so glad it changed in this timeline, the concerned look of sunjae for sol i’m still crying the fact sol finally remembered that sunjae was the one who saved her and she hugs him because she feels sorry and also grateful for him. my heart can’t handle this soljae moment 😭😭

    sunjae: “hello, i am ryu sunjae “
    sol: “so?”
    sunjae: “do you know me?”
    sol: “no”
    the theory was right omg he intentionally dialed and called sol on purpose, ryu sunjae for the nth time saved sol’s life again and again, sunaje the man you are and the pain and tear in his eyes after not getting recognized

    ngl they got me blushing, smiling, giggling, crying, kicking my feet on my bed, squealing, sliding down the wall dramatically, this is the most pookiest and domestic behavior of sunjae, turning on fan, brushing her hair off, measuring their hand sizes and getting blushed and giggly and he fall on her and she opened her eyes, i can fell the butterflies they’re getting there and the way he covered up sol in a bed sheet and carry her out lmao

    p.s: 19 years old sol is a mood she’s really a great editor no wonder she is an editor in the present time, my baby has talent
    p.s.s: i think we all knew sunjae did not k!ll himself. even in the episode one, they showed someone ringing his doorbell before he died. also the taxi driver and ceo is on my suspect list

  99. You know if I was her, I would have dug a grave and buried myself right then and there after that surprise!!!
    I finally understand why he didn’t take a step forward! I feel so sorry for Sun Jae. He loved her so much. If she wasn’t stuck in the fan-idol relationship, she would have noticed how much he was hurt and how worried he was in the last scene. That he was concerned more than as a friend. Why is that his scenes are so painful to watch. I have never felt this way watching a ML love the FL. Why is it that his scenes are more SML coded than the SML’s scenes!!😭
    In the present timeline you see him standing there but it didn’t look like he was about to jump and you see someone ringing his doorbell.Therefore, like many guessed, he might not have committed suicide. Especially after seeing her.So, the prime suspect for me happens to be the CEO guy who gave the interview in the present timeline and the visiting card in the past!!

  100. Oh my God, he remembered her 🥰 Both her voice, and in-person meeting. So, it’s finally confirmed that Sun jae was in fact the one who saved her.

    Seeing today’s episode, I’m more sure that the friend is in the clear. I’m kind of feeling suspicious of their company’s CEO though 🤔.

    This was another good episode. Honestly, watching this drama is giving me all the feels that I felt watching ‘Twinkling Watermelon‘ and I’m loving it 💜💜.

  101. I know that ending hug must’ve felt so nice and comforting 🥹. Literally in love with this drama. Me smiling like a fool cause my heart flutters when they’re together in the past. There are so many cute, fluffy, and funny scenes, but often an overlying sense of bittersweetness. Every scene makes me wanna squish or punch my pillow for very different reasons.

    My heart breaks eveytime they switch to the present/current time line. The scene of him standing under the snow watching her reach home safe as the lights turned on one by one, him standing outside her hospital room without going in, him standing at the balcony, and him asking her hesitantly if she knows his name. So painful how alone the cinematography makes it feel like he was❤️‍🩹😭.

    I refuse to believe it was a pure suicide, someone either prompted it, or actual murder. cause who’s the person that rang the doorbell? Also whos the car driver that was coming straight at her at the end? Super sus.
    I wonder if she could write a diary which was on what happened only on the days she was in the past to preserve her memories so it would not disappear? I really hope its not a situation where she changes the past but her original timeline is wacky because her younger self goes through the same incidents and doesn’t remember him. I only trust that if Twinkling Watermelon managed a perfect end, so can this one.

    P.S. Son Ye Jin and Hyun Bin getting married really must be the news of the century 😂.

  102. I don’t like So Ji sub
    I don’t like Jo In Sung
    My Prince Tae sung, oh yes….
    I like Tae Sung, I like Tae Sung

    I cannot….GOD I had a good laugh today 😂😂

  103. He was so annoyed and has all the right lmao.. imagine doing all this so that your friend confess his feelings to the girl he likes ina romantic mood but instead he turns it into friendship

  104. I swear I had a stupid grin on my face throughout the first half of the episode. I just cannot get over how cute these two are. Sun jae was acting all flustered and silly trying to find the right time to confess. That’s the beauty of teenage love❣️❣️ This drama is exactly what my mondays needed.

    The second half however, becomes sadder and sadder. He was trying to handle the situation in a way that would not make his dad upset. I’m sure it has happened a lot of us when we were young where we tried to act tough and mature in such situations in order to not make our parents worried. Sunjae and his father’s make-up scene was so well done that it made me tear up too.

  105. For anyone who’s wondering, SUN JAE IS IN LOVE……………Our boy could not keep it together 😂 😂

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