Keys to the Heart


An older brother is a washed-up boxer. His younger brother is a genius pianist with physical disability. The brothers make up through their mother who is full of stories of her past.


Status: Completed

Release Year:

Genres: ,

Keys to the Heart full episodes

3 Comments to “Keys to the Heart

  1. i love korean life +sensitivity between the worlds …so sibling to my own swiss’soul where i live like a stranger…
    yet these movies …especially this one too… help me to go back to my childhood age * as an elderly +start
    happily to live free now… from social imprinting… wild… graceful… transparent in my flights +knock’downs
    deeply i honor korean culture whom through these …last years …brought to me the familiar wind to awaken
    like a precious scent of a warm bread… i am ever hungry at… i do not know why i cried all along the pianist’s
    play… as all ages in my body cried… more to say I LOVE THIS MOVIE …i say …love’thanks… to all creators…
    to all the sensitive💗actors… the ideators… the artists… whom helped +help to …create such masterpieces…
    of beauteousness… humanity +keys …to open up a timeless soul to the now fullest… humbly i am this happy!
    gods may bless korea… i do! hw

  2. heidi wachter
    < ps > like a magnet i am drawn… to the sibling
    …mirroring… within!
    …as the …FAMILY is found…
    on this long path +in the small…
    …generating…. synchrone
    there… i leave… with the …COREsibling…
    +the ORGANICcellsSOURCING… PERPETUAL…rebirthing…LOVE
    which is also… this organic…soulNAME…
    my dream …is finally met +i sound…
    +touch… the precious
    BEloved …found…
    in this world…
    ever elated… ever1…
    in OMNIexpansion…
    that… is my world!

    movie final ost song >
    you told me * this is a complicated world * looking worried *
    with a sorrowful smile * perhaps i do not understand this world
    * walking alone on this long path *
    yet i do not regret the dreams …filled with tears +laughter…
    that is my world *
    +i do not regret the dreams i wandered around to find…
    that is my world… that is my world…

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