The Red Sleeve Cuff (2021) Episode 17

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9 Comments to “The Red Sleeve Cuff (2021) Episode 17

  1. Can someone please explain to me why Deok Im says to her friends that she will never let the king know she loves him, and that her friend (still alive at the end) knows she’s bluffing?

  2. thankyou so much RED SLEEVE CUFF, I won’t be able to forget you for the rest of my life. you going to be my most cherished story ever. WAITING FOR SEASON TWO [after life story]. thankyou :]

  3. What a idiot ending, never told the king she loved him, or that she was mad that he never.made her queen, and spend the bed with other women even on the day he learned she was pregnant., the idiot never payed attention to what she needed only used her for his own needs. The fact that she remained silent about this while the start.episodes she was protaitet as a tomboy who was harsh with her words but always told her.mind
    Stupid ending. They killed her character off like a piece of crap while they let us believe.she could become queen

    And the idiot king became like his grandpa unable to see what is happening to other people.

  4. Even tho I cried every other second, I’m glad that they matched the ending with real life (since this story was adapted from real life). Not everyone in the world have the luxury of happy ending.. and it also doesn’t change that they loved each other but their circumstances were very different and each had different method for expressing that love..

  5. Wish he could change the fate of court ladies since he is a king they have there own wish goal and future vision his wife would be happy if she were given a chance to explore like doing her own work spending time with her friends outside of palace may be in disguise.. He didn’t achieve anything the story were about court ladies being ignored of there needs and how once they become concubine how depression gets them at least i wish he could change there fate as a court ladies.. But after all i really loved how they loved each other he showed his love by both action and word but she showed her love by action not by word i can understand and i cherished there chemistry 👏❤.. Bye we love you🥰🥰🥰

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