6 Comments to “Missing Crown Prince (2024) Episode 7

  1. I’m glad the writers are showing the royal family as being happy and loving with each other which is a novelty. However, I honestly can’t imagine there’s enough material for a 20 episode drama. Will the foursome just escape, fights, gets captured, escape again, fights again, etc., till the last episode?

  2. I am glad that lil bro didn’t turn against big bro, he is playing villain in public and helping cp in private. Thank God finally Queen gathered some courage and understood that she is the Queen. Dowagers emotions are so complex, idk if she understands she is being manipulated or just knowingly does all those stuff because she loves Choi too much.

  3. We don’t need the fleeing four to be captured each episode nor having a hopeless fight scene. Better to have them get to know each other and have people decide to help them despite the danger.

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