4 Comments to “Missing Crown Prince (2024) Episode 10

  1. I keep hearing that the crown prince is arrested and being transported back, so how long is this taking them and who is bringing him. Even the prince himself is back long time a go!
    Who exactly is in charge or looking at what is delaying them. Normally, someone would have run up to the place and deliver messages without delays, days a go and all of that, noone is actually talking about it…Writer-nim, could you explain that pot hole please…!

  2. I’m still in the beginning of the episode, and did I hear it right? Is the brother really trying to protect his evil grandfather from the Queen dowager’s wrath? Like wth is even going on in his head?? Even after seeing how his grandfather brutally tortured the Crown Prince and his men, and is relentlessly trying to kill the Crown Prince, he still wants to protect his grandfather? Even after knowing how evil he is??
    It’s the same thing with his mother, the Queen. In the previous episode, she was whining about how she “can’t reveal” to her son that his grandfather is trying to kill the King. Seriously? You want to conceal things from your son even in such a dire situation? Like wth is the deal with these two?? They are so emotionally weak and pathetic. Just when I thought how loyal he is to his brother, he goes around and starts behaving like this.

  3. Stupid girl just sets there watching her dad feed the king poison. It is her dad she could come out and stop him. I thought she was tough and outspoken.

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