Love Next Door (2024) Episode 3

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28 Comments to “Love Next Door (2024) Episode 3

  1. It’s just episode no. 3, they’re still friends, but shameless me like- “okay honey, now Kiss”😘 GOD!!!! The way he looks at her. Butterflies in my stomach.

  2. Wow I seriously love this drama. It was really obvious that he liked her like he would always come even if he is busy, he remembers everything about her. And moeum obviously knew that choi seung like seokryu because she said he likes tragic love story. And now it’s confirmed haha poor choi seung he was so innocent to write his feelings there.

  3. All I need in life is am eomma chingu adeoul like him. All the problems of my life would be solved

  4. That eomma chingu adeoul likes herrr! It was obvious but still I’m screaming, jumping, throwing pillows aaaaayhfgidfuk

  5. She is too strict with herself, and then she is like that with everyone who is close to her. 😔

  6. She kept telling herself she won’t ask him to hangout with her anymore because he kept saying no but she ended up to always calling him first and he ended up coming anyway. IT’S SOOO CUTEEEE 🥹🥹

    And in Seung Hyo’s “winter”, he had Seok Ryu and other people around him. To think that Seok Ryu had to go through the “winter” by herself in the US and learnt to pick herself up all alone 😭😭💔💔

    Alsoo “pivoted profession and become successful after being a retired swimmer athlete due to injury” seems to be the trend lately.

  7. Falling first, then falling harder even after years – a romance trope which will always have me in a chokehold

  8. Why did she leave job for a year in Between?
    cant be Only because of her ex fiance,There is something grave and fishy

  9. Life is boring and continuously going downhill but at least this drama is here!! Gosh you have no idea how much this drama brings out the excitement in me, I haven’t been this excited while watching a drama since Lovely Runner!!

    And it was so obvious that Seunghyo had a crush on her from the beginning, and now we have the confirmation 🤭
    In the next ep, it seems like Seunghyo will find out about what Seokryu’s ex did!!! Yesssss, hit him Seunghyo!!!

    Edit: just saw on twitter that the guy in the preview is not her ex, but a co-worker

  10. I felt so bad for him….not being able to do the only thing you’ve ever loved and done in your life, what can be more painful than that!!! 😔😔

  11. yessss, that’s what he wanted to confirm, only that….🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🥰🥰🥰🥰

    loved this scene….director needs a raise lolx

  12. I agree with each and everyone of them…I relate to each and everyone of them….

    I soooooooooo felt it and related to when the students asked her about her dream and she was all blank….not everyone has a dream, not everyone knows what they really wanna do in life, and it’s a real struggle that u wanna do something in your life but u dun know what u wanna know and trust me, its frustrating….Seok ryu is me, I am Seok ryu!!!

  13. seokryu and seunghyo and everything reminds me of our beloved sunjae and sol🥺💕

    p.s- idk this piece of info is sad and not necessary but in alternate universe, where sunjae and seunghyo wouldn’t have got injured they would have competed olympics together in 2008 together and met e/o😭

  14. So happy there is no love triangle or love square and our second leads are moving forward 😍

  15. haessom selca, they’re the prettiest and not the boys they didn’t even rectified their love sign lmao

  16. this year is just full of athletes that loves a single person 🥰

    EDIT: next episodes please!!!!!

  17. From the previews only I know… They reminded me so much of “Fight for my Way”

    Same same but different

  18. We’ve only seen her ex twice and I already want to punch him in the face and send him off to hell !

  19. It was so obvious that Seung Hyo liked Seok Ryu. He answered her every call even when he was busy. She invited him to the roof, he came even though he said he wouldn’t, she invited him to the comic book store, he came even though he said he wouldn’t… These seemingly small concessions are usually proof of someone’s affection. The best part of the episode is the pool part and the scene when the “Stop Line” turns into the “Starting Line” . That change alone is exciting enough, let alone what awaits us.

    I love that every episode they cover something that most people struggle with on a daily basis. Changing jobs, what we dreamed of vs what we do, trying to please the people around us even though we are deeply unhappy…

    Seung Hyo’s business partner is the person I would want as a partner. He seems like a good guy with both feet on the ground, which is often necessary when one of the partners is a dreamer. I agree with Seung Hyo on the plagiarism issue, but I also know that when you have a company and you are responsible for providing income to the workers, then the responsibility is beyond wishes and dreams. You often have to put your head down and agree to compromises, because that’s the only way to survive.

    Tomorrow’s episode will be interesting as the ex-fiancé comes back into the picture (albeit not in the way he would have liked).

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