Love Next Door (2024) Episode 13

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33 Comments to “Love Next Door (2024) Episode 13

  1. Definitely this is the mukbang episode. I love how the 2nd lead roles are out of the box to confess on each others feelings.

  2. I am bit bored..three more episode i don’t know what more to expect from this drama..story is almost summarized..& from fl perspective i don’t feel romance It’s more like platonic to me..if i were her i wouldn’t fall for him at all..cause x was perfect & he was always like child to her..i don’t know It’s kinda messed up for me..i had high expectations from this drama..😔

  3. Well, the mom being against them dating was so predictable, I was hoping to be surprised and she would actually support them, guess not.

  4. Don’t wanna jinx it but It feels like the proposal will fall through, SOMETHING might Happen!!!!

  5. So they’re both just gonna pop out engaged without telling their families they are dating in the first place? Lmao

  6. I’m completely understanding as to why DanHo is so protective of YeonDu after today’s scene…

  7. I just cannot feel the romantic chemistry between the leads. Platonic chemistry is there no doubt, but not romantic. I can feel it from the ML perspective but have never felt like the FL liked the ML as much as he did her. Not too happy with this drama overall esp I feel like it’s been a waste of the MLs talent. He knows his stuff when it comes to acting romantic roles.

  8. How to say you’re a Virgo without saying you’re a Virgo… “Seok-ryu, you spelt Berkeley wrong on your resume”
    May I joke to say that’s why she didn’t get hired? 🤭🤣

  9. I never thought I’d be stanning a 3rd lead couple so hard, but here I am screaming over Seung-ho’s parents 😂

    I love that Dong-jin finally got the sense knocked back into him (and then then the love and support also knocked back into him)

    And I may be projecting, but I DO NOT like that Mo-eum eavesdropped on Dan-ho and Yeon-du’s private moment with their deceased loved ones. That’s a private moment and it’s not the time for her curiosity, I’m sorry. I love them, I love her, but that just didn’t sit right with me

  10. it’s the best marriage/date proposal lolx, straight and clear 😂😂😂😂

    but I was thinking, pursuading him wasn’t that difficult, as soon as he found out that she found out that he’s not Yeon du’s father, he immediately decided to date her, like, what did I miss??? she didn’t do anything unusual or new that changed his mind….🤔🤔🤔

  11. I completely relate to Seok ryu’s situation, her bf is successful, he has accomplished alot, she doesn’t want to show her weak side to him, she wants to be someone whom he can be proud of as well, whom he can introduce in his circle proudly as well, yes, he doesn’t think of her that way, he loves her for what and how she is, but she has her own thought process and her own dreams which she wants to fulfill and m glad they talked it out….

    but just wanna say, Seung hyo, boy, she just did some research, she didn’t enrole herself, she didn’t pack her bags and was ready for the airport, I know you’re anxious, you’ve experienced this before, but at that time, you weren’t her bf, but now u r, u gotta trust her that she won’t just leave u without consulting with u or without telling u….they both need to relax….

  12. Whoa I was refreshing the page tot team DC left with JJ Couple to Bali lol

    Realization revelation redemption

    Episode 13 was mostly thrilling, as the couple’s relationship develop. Couple 1 was all giddy @ dating phase while couple 2 faced the reality aft truths were uncovered. Then there’s the younger brother issue we all predicted. As the relationship progress we hold on tight hoping for happy ending with families being equally happy with the couple’s decision in their lives. I for one don’t want another QoT ending (keep reading theories abt theory that Seung-Hyo’s at Seok-Ryu’s grave or designing funeral home for SR)
    It’s clear the couples are filled with extensive love so please gv us a happy ending we all deserve.

    Thank you today for the reminisce of Hometown Cha Cha memories

  13. as soon as he asked for the final materials, I knew something, some accident is gonna happen, and…….

    I know it’s been written and the drama won’t go my way or as I think, but I literally got goosebumps when it happened…..thank GOD it wasn’t anything serious…..

  14. can’t even imagine the pain and emotions and mental state of his for losing his entire family at once….these scenes of identifying the body in the morgue always gets me….😢😢

  15. oh Gosh my amazing talent of predictions 😁😁😁 I did say this episodes ago that she might be his niece and he tells everyone that she’s his daughter and see, niece she is!!! 💃💃💃. it just came to my mind that there’s no way they’re gonna make the second FL marry a widower and a father on top of it, not saying that it hasn’t happened before, but here it just didn’t seem to be going that way….oh the genius me!!! 🫰🫰

  16. The beautiful morning after they made out,seeing them on the bed, both of them shined the brightest,such beautiful sight to behold!! I love my Jung Jung couple.
    Not the family trying to match make them😅😅😅😅😆😆😆😆
    Happiness looks so good on Jung so min❤️ she is dazzling💗

  17. Wait did I miss it cause I still don’t know what happened to the journalist family. How did all 4 die?

  18. Writer touches progressive themes but ends up taking conservative stance.
    How many probable illness/ accidents to bring out emotional breakthrough.

  19. Love the writing in general, & loved the episode per usual. there are still little things to resolve and i love the approach of a hint of uncertainty, even though we all know it is a happy ending for all couples in the shows end! only 3 more episodes to go and i will be so sad when it ends. This is probably my favorite shows after a long while. Felt healing, heartfelt, emotional, romantic and loads of tasteful comedy these days. I stress healing because I too feel like seokryu and i relate a lot so seeing her journey makes me connect more and also root for her.

  20. I love how both Moeum and the reporter are so extra in their confessions. First Moeum directly asked him to let her be Yeondu’s mother. Now the reporter asked her mother to “let him have Moeum” as if he’s asking for her hand in marriage. Someone tell these two there’s something called dating and taking things slow 😂

    Jokes aside, I did not expect that the reporter had lost all his family to an accident. Now I can understand why he must’ve been scared this much to let someone in. The trauma and guilt of not being able to protect/save your loved ones often leads people to be scared of lowering their walls. But I’m glad Moeum was able to break through..
    Some people in the comments initially assumed Yeondu wasn’t his actual daughter but that thought was eventually burried as the episodes went by. So, kudos to those who were right 😉

    P.S. After that whole drunk act, I would burry myself to the ground for a couple of weeks if I were her..Cuz that sh*t was EMBARRASSING 😂

  21. Did they really have to give us a mini heart attack like that at the end??? Weren’t the first 10 episodes enough of a torture for us? 🤨

  22. Jung Hae In’s forearms being used in the storyline😁. At this point they have to have their own fanclub😁😁

  23. Oh 😯 so yeondu is not his real daughter

    choiseung’s mom dad story is reminds me of queen of tears lol miscommunication, forgetting memory, divorce , bed share scene lol haein hyunwoo in their 50s.

    The ending scene idk why I thought their parents must be outside the curtains and will listen the whole confession. Need another epic get caught scene like reply88

    Haha at this point I want someone to make the list of 2024 lewsers♥️ by the end of the year and let’s rank them

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