Calling You


Other name: きみにしか聞こえない


Directed by Hagishima Tatsuya, Kimi ni Shika Kikoenai (a.k.a. Calling You) is based on the same-titled light novel series by popular writer Otsuichi. Like Otsuichi’s Waiting in the Dark, which was also recently adapted for the big screen, Kimi ni Shika Kikoenai revolves around two lonely young people who find each other in an uncommon manner. Shy, quiet, and unsure of herself, Aihara Ryo doesn’t quite fit in anywhere. Though she wants to make friends, she has trouble speaking up and holding a normal conversation like everyone else. It seems that whenever she talks, the words just don’t come out correctly. Gradually, Ryo has gotten used to living life in silence as a lonely and introverted student. With no one to talk to, Ryo also has no need for a cell phone. Longing for friends to talk to, she creates a cell phone in her mind for imaginary phone conversations, and much to her surprise, one day Shinya picks up on the other side. For the first time in her life, Ryo has found someone she can talk to

Also known as: きみにしか聞こえない


Status: Completed

Release Year:

Genres: , , ,

Calling You full episodes

One Comment to “Calling You”

  1. why did the creators choose to let him die? both knew they are able to change events
    while …knowing the events before they happen! +she did so by trying to stop him
    saving her by asking him to go back home…
    then why did the creators not use that knowing… by simply NOT let her cross the road?
    creativity in story telling… is way more inspiring for young people to ever choose freely
    their lifetime +space! … instead of the old gratuitous tragedy +drama energy!
    …especially in this very captivating +complex narrative +whom is way better set…
    to …unfold …beyond the limits… of time +space… please REmember… we …adults
    are !imprinting! OUR ways of life… to our next generations! i do speak up to those ready
    to live beyond limits +drama energy… LOVEthanks… for BEingFREE!

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