8 Comments to “The Escape of the Seven: Resurrection (2024) Episode 7

  1. How in hell did Han Monè become the lead heroine here? Mone and La Hui were the two DIRECT perpetrators of Dami’s death 🤦🏻‍♀️

  2. I swear everytime i see Do Hyuk getting worried about Mone it makes me sick to my stomach. They better not make Do Hyuk and Mone get together. Do Hyuk should’ve cared more about Dami but instead he worries for the one that made her life a living hell till she died.
    Yeah she lost her mom like Do Hyuk but whatever happens to Mone it’s what she deserves.. she did way more evil things and karma is coming for her.. Mone doesn’t deserve to be pitied on.

  3. Are they going to show Mone as a heroine ? And living her life with Dohyuk? Like “happy ever afer”
    Sorry but i don’t feel sorry for Mone. She deserves every bits of this.
    I want every villain dead including Mone…

  4. lol this is so funny all the villains are finding love or are in love except for the hero’s

    Hwang Chan-Sung traded Han Mo-Ne for Min Do-Hyuk dam

    survival game feels like this would be a great ending but its only half way done. I really wonder how many ppl will actually die, interesting

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