Stay by My Side (2023)


Bu Xia is brought up by his grandfather, who is a spiritual medium. After his grandfather’s funeral, he finds himself hearing voices murmur in his ears now and then. He thinks he’s suffering from hallucinations and is ready to seek medical treatment but is surprised to find that the voices in his ears, like a Dolby stereo, are the voices of ghosts! He is as dumbfounded as if he has just received a vaccination. Jiang Chi is Bu Xia’s roommate and excels in both sports and academics. When Bu Xia finds out that the more he gets in touch with Jiang Chi, the more he doesn’t hear any ghostly voice, he starts to find ways to approach Jiang Chi. Is it because of Jiang Chi’s charm? The more Jiang Chi knows, the more confused he becomes.

Also known as: Immunity Shield , Stand by Your Side , Mian Yi Ping Bi , Mien I Ping Pi


Status: Ongoing

Release Year:

Genres: ,

One Comment to “Stay by My Side (2023)”

  1. This offering is one of the best BL dramas. Mixing in a dash of authentic naivete to an oil meets water relationship, this has to be one of the the more enjoyable productions so far for me. With solid character creations backed by well written script this drama has a lot to enjoy ! On top of this, now mix in an excellent acting troupe and you have yourself a wonderful enjoyable story that you can take for a ride for however many times you wish to visit their wonderful world !

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