My Sweet Mobster (2024) Episode 13

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15 Comments to “My Sweet Mobster (2024) Episode 13

  1. I love this episode very much!!!! In the beginning, Ms. Ko holding out her arms to protect Dong-Hui….Seo Ji Hwan handling the issue like the real boss that he is. Making sure his employees are not humiliated, such a thoughtful CEO and this moment just shows why they’ve put him on a pedestal. His maturity, his empathy, his confidence, his loyalty and his humility just uplifts his whole character especially in this scene. Also, I love the how EunHa later too him out for a walk, this show that despite him not complaining/ranting about his day, his partner understood him and knew what he needed to light up his day. Surely, Eunha personality fits so well as SJH lover, she also promised to be of help in the previous episode and true to her word, she does bring a smile to his face and warms his heart.

    I love it!!! SJH choosing not to tell EunHa about their past is also so beautiful, he appreciates the past they had but doesn’t want to “manipulate” her into loving someone he is not. I like how thoughtful, shows transparency on his part and also makes him more trustworthy, he wants EunHa to adore him for who he grew up to be, who he is trying to be and not the little child that he was when he cannot go back to that innocence. His worries and fears and like any ordinary relationship and this makes me love the character more.

    Also, the gift of family>>>>> we don’t really know what happened to their families but its beautiful how they come together, love and respect each other, be each others keeper. So Beautiful!!!!

  2. I still had tears running down my face just to see those two fighting over offering tea / drinks. 😀

  3. I was fully expecting Eun Ha to get kidnapped with the threats from the father and Go Yang Hui, more so the latter. Seo Ji Hwan also pleading with her to stay inside but like every character ever when warned she threw caution to the wind and did it anyways.

  4. This episode went by so quickly. Packed with lots of stuff and more serious. I’m glad certain things were revealed and we also got misunderstandings resolved. And it’s nice to see double Hyun-woo finally making peace!! And Dong-hui’s story was really sad. I like and appreciate Ji-hwan’s way of handling the situation. Being the CEO of Thirsty Deer is so much more than just running the company. Ji-hwan is truly an impressive person because he’s got so much on his shoulders. I really hope he can cut off his father for good. But honestly, even if they put his father back in jail, things are gonna repeat again once his father gets out unless he gets lifetime imprisonment. But seems like his crimes aren’t severe enough to give him that? So the only way is to off his dad or have his dad willingly let him go. I wonder which route the writer took with this…

    We didn’t get much of Eun-ha and Ji-hwan this episode, but whenever they’re together it’s just so sweet. Ji-hwan getting all shy when Eun-ha was screaming just felt like he was being himself as Uhm Tae-goo. Hahaha. But seriously, Han Sun-hwa is so pretty!

    And Uhm Tae-goo’s smile!! Adjfklsjfhlsjkgh

    I also liked how Ji-hwan held out his hand first to hold Eun-ha’s. 🥹🥹 They’re so precious. Must protect them at all costs!!

    Judging by the preview, I think Prosecutor Jang will get hurt because of protecting Eun-ha. And then we’ll probably see Ji-hwan fight his dad. His father wouldn’t hurt him because he wants him to help run the gang. It’s Kitty that’s gonna pose as a threat to Ji-hwan. I also feel that Ji-hwan’s dad isn’t gonna harm Eun-ha (at least for now) and it’s Kitty that we should fear. His dad only had the guy stalk them to get Ji-hwan’s attention. Hurting Eun-ha is really pathetic and I feel that only Kitty would do such a thing. His dad is smart enough to know if he tries to hurt Eun-ha, it will only make Ji-hwan refuse to come back even more. He knows Ji-hwan too well. But I think his dad might try to get rid of Prosecutor Jang if he keeps digging into the case.

    Also happy to see how things have turned out for Mi-ho and Il-young so far. I wasn’t quite happy with the pregnancy trope, but Il-young was quite convincing and I want to believe that he’s not doing this just to be responsible. It’s gonna be fun seeing Il-young tell the gang, but when Ji-hwan meets Mi-ho’s parents next episode, I don’t think it’s gonna be fun at all.

    Can’t believe we’re down to the final 3 episodes!!! Really looking forward to next episode but I’m also not ready to say goodbye!

  5. The episode had a chill vibe overall, except for the first few minutes which might have been intense or dramatic. The Deer squad’s admiration for Hyungnim was highlighted once again, showing why they hold him in such high regard. SJH’s gesture of getting on his knees for DongHee must have been a touching moment, showing a deep emotional connection between them.
    It’s great to hear that the main couple’s relationship status is finally out in the open, even though they were already unofficially dating. Now they can move forward with more freedom and ease.
    IY and MH’s progress in their relationship sounds promising, and their chemistry adds a lot to the show. When EunHa expressed her willingness to raise MiHo’s child with her, my heart just melted. I guess the dad will have some problems with the marriage. It seems like YN and HongGi might be heading towards becoming a couple too, judging by YN’s body language and the way the camera panning on her.
    After a more subdued episode last week, it’s refreshing that this week’s episode brought some fun and enjoyable moments. Looking forward to seeing how the relationships develop further in the next episodes!

  6. they’re hilarious 🤣🤣🤣. Top Two 😂😂😂

    and that moonwalk 😆😆😆, at least he tried….but I love his slippers 😁😁

  7. hadn’t everyone already seen her??? in fact not just seen, but took multiple photos of her and even uploaded on social media, what was the point of this hat now Mr Marketing Manager 😁😁😁

  8. Jihwan is giving me the feels!!! “You’re so pretty my Eunha” ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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