Monster Next Door (2024) Episode 12

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19 Comments to “Monster Next Door (2024) Episode 12

  1. so you are telling me that if i work hard on my goals someone will tell me i did well on a bear costume? cause im gonna start working on it then 🐻

  2. Dear Diew’s Mama, I think you’re more envious of Diew because of God’s body than you are upset about him not talking to you, lol. I feel bad for her, but loving your child involves positivity, care/concern for his best interests, especially after the sudden passing of his father. I get you’re suffering too, but negative motivations like insecurity, fear or giving someone too much love/attention can smother them and make them feel overly dependent, if that makes sense. Anyway, glad Diew’s Gramps is okay, everything’s all cleared up and they are one big happy family now. I just wish all of it happened 4 episodes ago. It took away too much glory time from God/Diews love story in this exquisitely wrapped finale. Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is God with only a Christmas stocking hanging from his.., hmm, waist (lol, get your mind out of the gutter) to cover the 8th Wonder of the world, his enormous/magnificent creation.., or as I like to call it in my fantasy, his divine member, lol. Good to see Beer and his little bag of nuisance pretending to be happy in his finale. Really wish smoking hot Win/Game’s Ship undocked and sailed into the deep crystal clear waters in the Sea of Love, but ehh, hopefully their ship will sail in another BL, if they don’t put it on dry dock after this one, lol. I’m so happy one of my favorite bl actors, BIG, starred as part of the main couple in this series. I love him! Huge kudos to him and Diew, Beer, Win, Game, Wan actors and everyone involved for putting together this fun, terrific and super enjoyable series. I love it! Take a bow, Thailand! Superb!

  3. Not only did Big go in with the tongue during that one make out scene but when he put his head down 🤭🤪

  4. Super cute sweet series, chemistry was good and acting too. Highly recommended 7/10, there was nothing rated 18+ in the whole show.

  5. Loved this one! Wow I can’t believe I had zero interest in it at the start. I didn’t watch the trailer but I just didn’t think I would like them as a couple and boy was I wrong! I thought it would have been boring and my least fav of the 3 WeTV shows that came out recently along with Knock Knock Boys and I saw you in my Dream. But it turned out to be the one I most enjoyed.

    I’m so happy for them how everything worked out🥰 This is one of those rare times I don’t feel like the reconciliation with the parent was forced and not genuine.

    Have to say I was glad we didn’t spend any more time on BeerWan, they lost me a couple episodes ago so I was quite happy for a very God/Diew focused episode for the finale. Their kisses and this bed scene was so good! Not over the top but still sexy, just what I expected from them.

    I do wish throughout the series we had seen a bit more of Win and Game. Especially when the two tops were beefing but their gentle bfs were best friends… the (mini) drama that could have been!😄🤭

  6. So who gets the better deal of this part in the scene? Diew groping God or…

    God went further south below the belt !?

    Either way, both benefited, right!? 🫦 😆

  7. Cute last episode, they wrapped it up nicely. I’m so glad there wasn’t much BeerWan in this episode, I couldn’t tolerate them anymore. (Rolls eyes)

    + honestly I think Deiw’s character was so well-written that he carried the whole show. His personality, worries and concerns and problems were all so real and so palpable for an introvert like me. The actor choice for Deiw’s character couldn’t have been better, he was the epitome of stereotype of introverts – small, cute, soft voice, loves reading, even has a turtle as pet.

    + but Got/God’s character wasn’t a very good one. Seems like the writer was more of an introvert him/herself, cuz while he/she knows very well what introverts are like, he/she doesn’t seem to know extroverts very well. Got’s character was what every introvert dreams of: someone hot and energetic who comes into your safe zone very softly and helps you get out of it. He was a total green flag written for Diew. He was built for Diew. We almost had nothing of his background, his personality traits (things that aren’t green flags made for Diew) his family and exes etc. he was described as EXTREMELY EXTROVERTED but was he even an extrovert, really? I’d say an ambivert at best. (Shrugs)

    Anyway. They could’ve made a better character outa him but in the end he turned out to be an angel sent specifically for Diew, not a real person.

    + I’m not even gonna mention BeerWan. They were so unnecessary, so forgettable, so annoying, with zero chemistry. I would’ve liked it better if they’d shown us Diew’s friend with his boyfriend.

    + overall I kinda liked this show, although it got dragged sometimes, and none of the NC scenes were worth the 18+ warning at the start of the episode, but Diew’s character was so good that I kept going.

  8. Im gonna miss the series!!!
    Diew and Got(d) relationship was so pure and I’m loving the chemistry between Big and Park. As the series progressed we got to see Diew come out of his turtle shell and become more confident and sociable. Was not expecting to see him at a party, even though he did go to the bar once anyways he looked really comfortable among Got(d)’s friends. Consumerism is eating me up, I really wants want an animal onesie now. Nevertheless Diew’s family just being so open and inviting of Got(d) was wholesome too.

    Wan and Beer are still on their same shït and I wish the producers gave more screen time and plot on Game and Win’s relationship instead.

    How could I forget my favorite character, unfortunately the best hip hop dancer and escape artist, Khun Shy’s cameo was really small and we didn’t get a performance because it’s his rest day.😔 ( Now that i think of it Khun Shy and Diew’s personalities were complete opposites 😂)

    And lastly Yall im f*cking shook 😭 Im dazed that they showed all that

  9. God actually put his face down… like down down, all up on it?! 😭😭

    This series was so good. Normally these type of standard plots bore me but it was just such a good chilled cute series. Also their chemistry is insane. On screen and off screen. Also their kisses were one of the best I’ve seen!

  10. I wish we could see more of Win-Game too (how they became friends to their love story) instead of focusing more on Beer-Wan story.

  11. Still wanted to slap his mom for a bit. I know where she is coming from but she went about it the wrong way. Im glad they worked it out though and decided to rebuild their relationship. Not many would get that chance.

    Let me see God shirtless again pleaseeee 🥺

  12. I enjoyed this last episode and thought they wrapped up everything really nicely. I’m also really glad that Diew and his mother were able to make peace with each other and decided to start over again and are going to try to build a new relationship between themselves. Also, Game and Win are cute together.

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