Lost You Forever Season 2 (2024) Episode 23

6 Comments to “Lost You Forever Season 2 (2024) Episode 23

  1. A hard won peace… let’s hope it lasts for a very very long time.

    Tushan Jing came back, Cang Xuan finally let go, though I believe that illusion of karma was a huge contributing factor to that.

    Xiang Liu, my dear self sacrificing Xiang Liu, may you have better luck on the next turn of the wheel.

    Overall good ending but I’m a little ticked that Tushan Huo’s offspring became the chief, not the kid’s fault and TJ never really wanted to be really, but considering the sins of the father I can’t help feeling he still won somehow, but maybe that’s just me nitpicking.

  2. Ending happy for JingYao but I’m truly disappointed how Xiaoyao never finds out how much Xiangliu loved her. And he deserved better. Not just 3 seconds of Xiaoyao to cry for him… Xiangliu rest in peace🤍🕊

  3. Xiang Lu deserves a better ending, but I guess everything was how it should be. Kodus to all the leads for their amazing performances and kodus to the team for a great drama. This has been a great watch.

  4. so glad in the end she got together with jing. my OTP!!!
    those scenes with cang xuan were INTENSE tho…. can’t believe the illusion thing TT
    also xiang liu’s ending is just so pitiful mygod…

  5. Sigh idk how to feel about all this… She got her happy ending in the end but a part of me still feels like Xiang Liu loved her the most passionately and selflessly. Half of the first season details are still fuzzy in my mind however. Also us having to forgive the empress, who’s name my brain has wiped cus she was horrible, why? For the sake of balance? So now luckily Jing is back and she’s realised that she was being a grade A b***h then suddenly all is well. Anyways it is finished and we made it through. Cang Xuan has given up on his obsession and now can focus on the people and it only took him 63 episodes to confess his feelings…good for him.

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