Lonely Girls (2024) Episode 2

*You're watching Lonely Girls (2024) Episode 2 with english subs. Kissasian updates multiple times a day so stay tuned with us for the latest episodes of Lonely Girls (2024)!

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3 Comments to “Lonely Girls (2024) Episode 2

  1. Funny enough, Jieun looks so innocent and yet she wants everything. I like the fact that she is straight forward with her expectations in the relationship. However, a little time is needed for the new one for first relationship even for hetero relationships

  2. It’s incredible that Korea is such a big country but in dramas it seems very small because it’s very easy to bump into an acquaintance 😂
    My poor Jieun, it’s not easy to have a relationship with someone who’s still in the closet!
    As they say: “Patience and length of time are more than strength or rage” (But not too much huh lmfao)
    Girls you’re BEAUTIFUL! Don’t Hide!

  3. shocking a GL is less than 10 minutes. it’s not like we want to a full 20-30 minute show or anything…

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