Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (2021) Episode 3

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11 Comments to “Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (2021) Episode 3

    1. Who would have thought we watch the same free movies instead of paying for Netflix. This girl is so childish and mean she makes fun of kids on the internet and has no remorse instead she tries to hide from social media she doesn’t even have any friend’s absolutely trash of a women. Girl doesn’t want to be friend’s with a guy while she has a bf so uncultural. Man up as a women and apologize and unblock for making fun of me as a person like look at yourself Allah sees everything this girl hasn’t opened her mouth in years not a single picture of her mouth open no smile nothing her teeth must be messed up like crazy if she can’t put up a smile absolutely hilarious never seen a girl who never opened her mouth in any pictures or when she speaks lmao… Good luck to her in life if she doesn’t do the right thing as a women and man up to be friend’s with a kid who wants to be friend’s forever…. inshallah

    2. This girl is literally a mom she has like 20 kids she teaches kids how to behave in a odd manner. Apologizing and being nice to her doesn’t work but when im bullied I accept it and don’t say anything if you ask to be her friend she doesn’t want to be your friend I did so and that was 20x times of being nice and I get rejected and she didn’t want to be friends because she has a bf… so basically if a girl has a boyfriend she’s not allowed to have friend’s that’s hilarious I wasted my time working to be on her friend’s list and adding her for no reason she aint worth a dime for what she did to me she’s just like every other white girl out there

    3. Who would have thought we watch the same free movies instead of paying for Netflix. This girl is so childish and mean she makes fun of kids on the internet and has no remorse instead she tries to hide from social media she doesn’t even have any friend’s absolutely trash of a women. Girl doesn’t want to be friend’s with a guy while she has a bf so uncultural. Man up as a women and apologize and unblock for making fun of me as a person like look at yourself Allah sees everything this girl hasn’t opened her mouth in years not a single picture of her mouth open no smile nothing her teeth must be messed up like crazy if she can’t put up a smile absolutely hilarious never seen a girl who never opened her mouth in any pictures or when she speaks lmao… Good luck to her in life if she doesn’t do the right thing as a women and man up to be friend’s with a kid who wants to be friend’s forever…. inshallah

    4. Girl doesn’t want to be friend’s with a guy while she has a bf so uncultural. Man up as a women and apologize and unblock for making fun of me as a person like look at yourself Allah sees everything this girl hasn’t opened her mouth in years not a single picture of her mouth open no smile nothing her teeth must be messed up like wahahahah if she can’t put up a smile absolutely funny I never seen a girl who never opened her mouth in any pictures or when she speaks lmao… Good luck to her in life if she doesn’t do the right thing as a women and man up to be friend’s with a kid who wants to be friend’s forever…. inshaallah

    5. Hey mom you have no remorse to be nice to kids you can’t even put a smile on your face never open your mouth when you talk or take pictures must have broken teeth that is funny you don’t do the right thing and be friend’s with kids who want to be your friend and ask 20x and be polite be a women and add a kid if he wants to be your friend why is it so hard to be nice to someone??

    6. Ne mogu vjerovati da gledamo besplatne filmove umjesto da plaćamo Netflix na istoj web stranici samo čista sreća da gledamo iste filmove lmao.. Ova djevojka je bukvalno mama ona ima kao 20 djecu uči djecu kako da se ponašaju jadno.. Ova djevojka je apsolutna sramota osobe u zajednici ona je užasna ona nema kajanja za ismijavanje ljudi ona ih samo blokira i zaboravlja na njih potpuno zauvijek i grabi da bude prijatelj s njima ikad više… Pokušavam da budem dobar prema osobi i još uvek nisam prihvatio Ovo je strašno ona se lako uznemirava i pokušava da sakrije svoje postojanje od društvenih medija smešno i urnebesno osobe. Djevojka nema odgovor ni na najjednostavnija pitanja i ismijava ljude i proziva ih koristeći loše riječi tokom razgovora i želi im sreću u životu kao da je neko idiot i nema života.. kakva šteta i tako jadna osoba nema prijatelja u životu ili na društvenim mrežama. Izvinjenje i biti fin prema njoj ne funkcioniše, ali kada sam maltretirao prihvatam to i ne kažem ništa ako tražite da joj budete prijatelj, ona ne želi da bude vaša prijateljica, ja sam to uradio i to je bilo 20x puta da budem fin i ja sam odbijen i ona nije htela da bude prijateljica jer ima bf… dakle, u osnovi, ako djevojka ima dečka, nije joj dozvoljeno da ima prijatelja, to je urnebesno, gubio sam vrijeme radeći da budem na listi njenog prijatelja i dodajući je bez razloga, ona ne vrijedi ni novčića za ono što mi je učinila, ona je kao i svaka druga bijela djevojka vani apsolutno loša i užasna, sve što sam želio je da se izvinjava što sam blokiran i ismijavan učinio sam svoj dio posla i izvinio se za ono što sam učinio i još uvijek sam niko na ovoj planeti kakvu sramotu zaista iskoristim da upoznam nekoga zauvijek ko mrzi drugu osobu bez razloga samo zato što se zabava od.. Blokiranje osobe je jednostavno glupo takav djetinjast čin i potez možete li blokirati osobu od stvarnog života? Zaista se pitam da li bi to bilo zabavno i urnebesno da se uradi nekome baš kao što si ti uradio. Uradi pravu stvar i budi prijatelj sa klincem koji želi da ti bude prijatelj zauvek i ponašaj se ispravno i budi žena nikada te nisam ismevao ali ti si ismevao moju sramotu… Ova žena je apsolutno za ulice za ono što je učinila nešto što nikada neću zaboraviti i zapamtiti dok ne primim izvinjenje i prijateljstvo. Ne zaboravite Allah vidi sve apsolutno znači žena velika debela gojazna siledžija nije otvorila usta u godinama ni jednu sliku usta otvorena ne smile ništa zubi mora biti zbrkan kao lud ako ona ne može staviti se osmeh apsolutno urnebesno nikad nisam vidio djevojku koja nikada nije otvorila usta u bilo kojoj slici ili kada govori lmao… Srećno joj bilo u životu ako ne uradi pravu stvar kao žena…. inshallah

    7. You uggggggggglie you can’t even smile you haven’t even opened your mouth in any single picture for years and even when you talk you keep your mouth shut must have broken teeth but make fun of kids and remove them from existence what a shame cant believe we watched the same movie for free thats crazy man up be a women be friends with me why is it hard to be friends?

    8. bas si ruzna nikad se ne smijes na slikama nikada ni kad pricas ko da su ti odvaljeni zubi nisi nikaka cura.

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