Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 14
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Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 16
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 15
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 14
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 13
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 12
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 11
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 10
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 9
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 8
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 7
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 6
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 5
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 4
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 3
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 2
Welcome to Samdalri (2023) Episode 1
Finally his father gave them the ok 😊
This is a Shin Hye Seon appreciation post. Her acting is just SO GOOD. Truly top tier. She’s one of the best out right now imo. I’ve liked her since Angel Eyes and she’s yet to disappoint me. Thinking back on it now, the way she embodies her characters is so special. It always feels like peeking into a real person life. Not to mention she’s adorably beautiful. I usually prefer girls with a more square shaped face like Kim Yoo-jung but Shin Hye Seon exceeds even personal preference.
The last 2 episodes just transformed this drama from average to one of the best rom coms contenders of the year.
What a touching episode😢 I think one of the reasons yong pil’s dad finally approve his son and sam dal because they both reminded him of he & his late wife’s youth memory🥰 and that he finally able to see how inseparable is yong pil & sam dal.
Btw, Bang Eun Ju & the wicked reporter’s acting is so good that I want to punch their face🤬
The temple reminds me to one of EAW episode, where they came to Jeju for a case that involved one of the biggest temple in Jeju, according to the drama
I’ve always sympathized with Sang Tae. The actor, Yu Oh Seong, is so detailed with his acting. The way he behaves, walks, talks, and wears his facial expressions as a heartbroken widower is supreme. I can feel his anger, resentment, confusion, and loneliness. The second he finally smiled (good job, Samdal), I shed tears. Bless his lovely soul!
A short flashback of his younger self courting Bu Mija is a thoughtful addition to his story development too. From here on out, I just wanna see him smile and live life happily.
Cho Yong-pil is probably the greenest flag I’m the world💚💚💚💚
while some of you are having fun, some of us can’t wait for this drama to end😂😂
i find it senseless, childish
it should have been 8 episodes not 16
the title should have been the ”death of mija” 😂
This is my new comfort drama, even though the latest episodes made me cry XD The plot isn’t that original or unique, but it’s the strong and deep characters, the bonds between them, and the overall wholesomeness of the show that made me a big fan. Not to forget that I’m a fan of watching Chang-wook yelling XD and Hye-sun unnie’s acting always hits the right emotions. My absolute favorite tear-jerkers were the scene with Ko Mi-ja and the ones where Ha-yul is crying for fear that her granny will die and no one will be there to protect her mom. It’s just the cutest <3 I don’t want this to end!
What a great episode! Sam-dal and Young Pil are so wholesome together. Sam-dal was looking hella cute this episode. At last the dad gives approval after coming to realization after what Sam-dal told him. His past with his late wife looked like a wholesome story too
uri couple can be happy <3
I’m so happy that we have resolved SamDal and YongPil’s relationship this week.
Next week, it’s PAYBACK TIME! Sweet Revenge…
i’ve never wanted to strangle someone so much. former assistant’s just hella annoying
😭😭❤️im glad the weight has been lifted. These two eps really had us bawling, all these emotions 😭❤️. But this epilogue, 🤜. Oh gosh. 🤦♀️. I really wonder what’s her reason for all of this. Something w the scarf.
The character annoyed me, but the actor who plays Sang Tae is fantastic. The way he conveys such complex emotions is truly amazing. What a talented cast
how it feels to set yourself free ! i like this ep
oh sht, my tears
That former assistant should have quit while she was ahead…her stirring up more shit is going to backfire gloriously in the next two episodes, can NOT wait!!!
Why do I have a feeling that Yong Pil’s dad is going to end up dying? Maybe it’s cause I’ve watched so many dramas where they say to watch out if someone changes drastically, it’s usually a sign their time is up. Also it’s not out of left field, he mentioned headaches and blurred vision…makes me think he might have a brain tumor.
one of the best ep of this drama.
He is literally carrying the drama. Right now, I’m pretty much bored by Sam-dal and Young Pil’s story. But this man is the saving grace. His acting has been brilliant and his story is resonating more than that of the main lead’s.
The story is a bit typical but maybe relatable to some audiences plus the cast are great at portraying their characters too. Great slice of life drama. I also love these two with samdal, wish they got a little bit more screen time.
So glad YP’s dad finally found enlightenment & the witch is digging her own grave rehashing her beef with SD.
Next time they go camping with SD’s assistants they should invite their guy friends too.
That 🐦 almost drop 💩 on Yong Pil’s dad from the aerial view at 1:09:40 mark. The bird thinking 🤔You separate two lovebirds for eight years, here is a gift🤣 To be fair, he allowed them to be together just before that drop.
The assistants refusing to allow her sleep in his tent is just hilarious 😂 especially considering the fact that she is their boss and doesn’t have to listen to them
How did they actually succeed 😆
I’m looking forward to how they will deal with Bang and that reporter
It had been left till the last minute so it better be good and they better not leave out the reporter. It is his job but he failed to do the fundamentals and just decided to go with the story that would make him “shine”.
I want to see both of them utterly DESTROYED!!!
I still don’t like Yong-Pil’s dad
Finally, the father gave them blessing. Now all that’s left is that evil assistant getting her karma.
That former assistant is digging her own grave
Wooow those two girls were completely annoying, I’m glad they abandoned them there.
Finally they got his father’s blessing 🥺🥺🥺🥺
This z ridiculous. This f writer not putting that bitch in her place. Fl z giving up again Wth?? This drama could have been better if there was a some smart writer. Who the hell hired this pre nursery failed writer?
I was hoping they also put some story development in Samdal’s career comeback. I’m curious about how she will get back to work and get rid of the wrecked assistant. Well, I know that after all, the focus of the story is Samdal’s love life with Yong Pil, but I expected the balance between love life and career trajectory – like Hometown Cha Cha Cha. lol my bad
Are they gonna make us wait until the end to have them cuddling happily? How can they work with her so long and not have any inkling on the hole in her heart?
I wish they had written Sangdo more like the second ML in “While you were sleeping”
OMG i’m so happy. the amount of tears though
I was waiting for someone to plant love in his heart again. that, and only that can take place of grief.
I’m happy that the father could now let go of his resentment for the sake of his son who he has neglected for so long. Now when can we witness the retribution this bitch deserves? Hope the karma she gets back will 1000x worse than what she did onto those good people.
the only story that’s interesting and m interested in and been waiting for ages for it to have some development….please give them some time at least next week…
Was enjoying such a beautiful episode, and then I was attacked by that epilogue that made my blood boil. Lol. UGH that assistant better meet her downfall next episode. And I mean ACTUAL downfall. Show the world what an ugly person she is.
I’m so glad Sang-do had Eun-woo to talk to and he finally came to terms with it. It was sad to see him so heartbroken but I’m glad he’s still so considerate of Sam-dal and didn’t become a jerk. His persistence was understandable and he needed time as well since Sam-dal returned all of a sudden. Not knowing the true reason for their breakup and them being apart for so long, I get how he thought maybe he’d have a slight chance. But I’m happy for him that he’s decided to move on. And the same goes for Yong-pil’s dad!!! Omg it was so moving to finally see him smile T^T him running out smiling was just as powerful as Sam-dal’s mom breaking down in front of him. I’m honestly so happy for all of them that it brings me to tears.
Sam-dal’s assistants are so protective of her I honestly felt so bad for Yong-pil. Hahahaha. Excited to see them meet the gang as well and work together to bring down Bang Eun-ju!!! Glad the final two episodes seem to be focused on Sam-dal reclaiming everything she has worked hard for.
Truly, communication can go a long way. Glad that they worked it out but omg how can one person be this relentless??? I’m guessing that there’s a backstory there because the scarf kept coming up but this side plot with Eun Ju needs to be over soon. Also, ngl, it’s sad that so much time was wasted on the whole one sided love from Sang do when it could have been spent on developing the two sisters’ stories more. Not just their love story but more on finding their own dream as that seems to be the overall theme here.
Gonna miss this when it ends next week!!!
I’m glad I stayed. The last 4 episodes have been amazing. I’m sure this episode will break 10% rating in Korea.
You’ve got no idea how wholesome this episode was. I remembered Sang Tae chasing Bu Mi Ja since forever ( You see in the flashback how he was hiding behind a wall and taking a peek at her) and realised that this man was one-minded about her that he failed to see that others are hurting as well. I just watched both the episodes of this week back to back and was thinking “Dude, he is your son. Ofcourse he is mad about Sam dal! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” and guess what Yong-pil said!!😍😍 For him it had to Sam Dal and no one else just like Bu Mi Ja was for you.
Like @ Tara Tara said, it may seem sudden but the actual trigger for his change started from the confrontation of Ko Mi Ja. Because, again like Yong Pil said they were all too busy handling their own pain that they forgot to handle it with each other. He confronted Ms.Ko and her husband, Sam Dal and even Bu Mi Ja’s mother’s words (although he pretended not to understand). This confrontation gave the closure and needed communication between all of them. That is why when Sam Dal explained herself, he was finally able to see what he’s been doing to his kids. The veil of anger lifted and all that left was for him to see things for what they are.
This is my top favourite episode of this whole series(for now).😍The biatch can try all she wants but I know she is gonna run with the tail between her legs which then would become my top favourite episode. I have a feeling that Sam Dal’s habit of recording herself while drinking is gonna help with this. They were all drinking when she sent that pic so she might not have stopped the recording while they were talking.
So I am going say something that might anger people but here I go
Do we really need the crazy assistant back in the story for two more episodes?
Why cant we finish the drama without her? I like how youngest daughter might learn to dive to watch her mom thats perfect ending and she might check out Dolphin for her new man?
I think we could end everything either todays episode with dads blessing or one more? The Main couple will move to Seoul the weather man will get new position at headquarters and she will get back to work on photography. Do we really need crazy girl back so tired of that story tbh. I see 2 new girls that are FL employees and single. Hello Mr nice car or security guard dude
Eldest daughter will get old job back and maybe get back with chairman?
Happy Ending
I was going to comment first on how Sam Dal changed Cho Sang Tae’s mind, but after this epilogue I have to address that b🤬ch Eun Ju first. I sincerely hope that the punishment for all she has done will be so painful that she will wish no one had ever heard her name. All those who can’t wait to attack, condemn and excommunicate someone (because that’s the only way to rise above their own problems and unhappy lives) deserve no less condemnation (including that journalist, thirsty for blood for the sake of a sensational headline).
I know many will think it’s unrealistic that after so many years of anger and contempt, Sang Tae suddenly forgives Sam Dal, but the way she communicated her feelings and intentions to him is the best way to give someone the opportunity to draw their own conclusions. She just said out loud what he felt, which he was afraid to admit to himself, because he thought that in this way he would desecrate his immense love and devotion to his late wife.
Young Pil described her assistants in the best possible way . 🤣🤣🤣
This is too cute. It’s like they are dating for the first time lmao 😭😭
Faith in humanity restored 🥲 The epilogue tho, I refuse to accept any redemption for that absolute embodiment of evil
When he came out of the temple and called out to her, my tears fell so much. I just felt how he loved his late wife so much and has seen this love in Yong-pil and Samdal’s love as well. Good for you Mr. Cho!
That bitch again, you won’t even succeed in your little evil plan. You always do the same tricks. Samdal has the Samdalri town on her back you won’t even stand a chance.
What a rollercoaster of an episode.
TBH…the blessings from YP’s dad was kinda rushed? I mean yeah, I get it. We waited 14 episodes for him to accept his son being in a relationship with the daughter of the woman who “caused the death of his wife”. But come on…took him so long that his son’s relationship reminded him of his and his wife..?
And anyways, I doubt Sang Do would confess to SD. I think SD indirectly tell him to not confess in this episode…keyword: indirectly. Even though she told him to confess because one-sided love hurts.
WHAT THE HECK was that epilogue!! Enough is enough! I can’t wait for Eun Ju to go down. Like seriously.